Organisational structure
uni-assist was founded in November 2003 as a registered association of 41 German universities. The other founding members were the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK). The association is headquartered in Berlin and is open to all universities in Germany recognized by the state. Decisions on admission to the association are made by the board.
The honorary board deliberates and decides on all basic strategic and operational matters of the association in order to represent the interests of the members of uni-assist e.V. The board consists of five elected members and one representative of the DAAD. In addition, the HRK is invited to board meetings as a permanent guest with advisory function.
General assembly
The general assembly sets the principles for uni-assist's work and determines the handling fees charged by uni-assist.
The general assembly receives management's annual report on the work of the office as well as the annual accounts confirmed by an accountancy firm, and approves the activities of the board.
The general meeting convenes once a year. The chairperson of the board calls the general assembly.