Feststellungsprüfung (university qualification exam)
Final exam of the Studienkolleg (preparatory course).
Short for: "Prüfung zur Feststellung der Eignung internationaler Studienbewerber für die Aufnahme eines Studiums an Hochschulen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" (Exam to assess the qualification of international student applicants for entering studies at universities in the Federal Republic of Germany)
If you pass this exam, you can apply for a bachelor course (or comparable undergraduate course of study) in your subject area ("Fachrichtung"). In some Studienkollegs, you can take the "Feststellungsprüfung" without having attended the Studienkolleg ("externe Feststellungsprüfung"). In that scenario, you prepare for the exam yourself.
See also: Studienkolleg (preparatory course), Undergraduate studies