Notes on documents
If you have a high school diploma from a private school,
then we will assess your educational certificate according to the guidelines from the "Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen" (Central Office for Foreign Education - ZAB) to determine if you fulfil the subject-specific requirements to study in Germany.
If the requirements are met, then the following applies:
- Successful completion of one year of studies at an accredited university qualifies you to attend the Studienkolleg (preparatory course). You may select a preparatory course in the same subject-area as your previous academic studies.
- Successful completion of two years of studies at an accredited university qualifies you to take up a bachelor course. You may select a subject in the same subject-area as your previous academic studies.
If you have a school leaving certificate from an Al-Azhar school, then we need the following documents:
- your school leaving certificate,
Any other educational certificates which you may have achieved, such as a certificate of enrolement from an Egyptian university or evidence of studies begun at an Egyptian university
We will have these certificates evaluated by the Central Office for Foreign Education (Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen – ZAB).
If you have a Certificate of Nile International Secondary Education, then we need the following documents:
- your school leaving certificate
- a Certificate of enrolment at a national Egyptian university (a Certificate of enrolment at a Higher (Technological) Institute or a private University is not sufficient)
- your Tansik Nomination Card, including your final average grade
- the certificate of your national examinations in the subjects religious education and national education (at-tarbiyya ad-diniyya / al-wataniyya), including any additional national examinations (e.g. French language)
These documents qualify you to attend the Studienkolleg (preparatory course). You may select subjects in the same subject-area as the subject named on your Certificate of enrolment.
You studied at a private university in Egypt?
Please check the website of the Surpreme Council of Universities (SCU) if your university and your degree programme are listed as accredited.
You cannot find your degree programme on the website or you finished your studies more than 5 years ago?
Then we require the following document:
-a certificate of equivalence from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Egypt, which states that your degree is equivalent to a bachelor‘s degree (lisans/bakkalureus) completed at a state university during the time of your studies
Find further information on documents in the section assemble your documents.