Notes on documents
If you have a Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires (techniques) from Luxembourg, you will need to submit the following documents:
- Your school leaving certificate with an overview of subjects and grades and your general weighted average
If you have a Diplôme de Technicien from Luxembourg, completed in the modular system, you will need to submit the following documents:
- Diploma certificate of your Diplôme de Technicien
- if available, the trilingual “Attestation - preparatory modules” issued by the Ministry of Education
- the trilingual “Attestation of an average total mark” issued by the Ministry of Education, stating your average mark in the grading system used in Luxembourg
Instead of the trilingual “attestations”, you can also submit your Relevé pour la mention with an average mark in the grading system used in Luxembourg. Please submit your Relevé pour la mention in French as well as in translation made by a sworn translator. We cannot accept “attestations” with an average mark in the German grading system.
Find further information on documents in the section assemble your documents.