
Notes on documents

Please send us the following documents in the original language and in German or English translation.

If you have a school leaving certificate from Slovenia, you will need to submit the following documents:

  • The Matura certificate/diploma ("Maturitetno spricevalo“ or "Spricevalo o splosni maturi“ or "Spricevalo o poklicni maturi“)
  • The overview of grades ("Obvestilo o uspehu pri splosni maturi“ or "Obvestilo o uspehu pri poklicni maturi“)

If you have started, but not completed your university studies, you will need to submit the following documents:

  • A transcript of records including your current grade point average and achieved number of credits
  • The university’s grading system (an online upload in the original language is sufficient)

    f you hold a degree from a university, you will need to submit the following documents:

    If you have a temporary certificate attesting the completion of your studies, we can only accept this certificate for a maximum of 12 months after your graduation.

    Certificates that were issued in English are not sufficient on their own. We also need the certificates which were issued in the original language.

    Find further information on documents in the section assemble your documents.