Notes on documents
If you have a school leaving certificate from Turkey, you will need to submit the following documents:
- Your “Lise Diploması“ diploma
- The second part of your University entrance exam (YKS/ÖSYM, "Yerleştirme Sonuçları") documenting that you have been assigned a place at a university in Turkey, including the name of the university, the faculty and the type of points awarded
- An official overview of subjects and grades of all studies undertaken (if you have already studied at a university), e.g. issued by e-Devlet
If you have a school leaving certificate from a technical Anatolian secondary school ("Anadolu Teknik Lisesi“) or a faith-based Anatolian secondary school ("Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi“) you will additionally need to submit the following documents:
- An overview of subjects and grades from the last four years of secondary school
If you have a secondary school leaving certificate from a distance-learning school (“Açık Öğretim Lisesi“) you will also need to submit the following documents:
- An overview of subjects and grades from the last four years of secondary school, issued by the distance-learning school (“Açık Öğretim Lisesi“)
- If you only attended a distance-learning school (“Açık Öğretim Lisesi”) during your final year of secondary school, you will need to submit an overview of subjects and grades from the last four years of secondary school, issued by the distance-learning school (“Açık Öğretim Lisesi“), and a transcript bearing the name of the school that you attended during years 9, 10 and 11 (an E-Okul PDF is sufficient; screenshots are not accepted)
If you have passed a University entrance exam for foreign students (YÖS exam, "Yabancı Uyruklu Öğrenci Sınavı"), you will need to submit the following documents:
- Your “Lise Diploması“ diploma
- Your University entrance exam results (YÖS)
- A Certificate of enrolment or letter of admission from a Turkish university stating that you have been admitted on the basis of the YÖS exam
- Confirmation of the minimum score required in the YÖS for admission to Lisans degree programmes at your university in the year that you were admitted
- An official overview of subjects and grades of all studies undertaken (if you have already started your studies at a university), e.g. issued by e-Devlet
If you have completed a Turkish Önlisans, you will need to submit the following documents:
- Your “Lise Diploması“ diploma
- Your "Önlisans Diploması" diploma
- An official overview of subjects and grades from the Önlisans
Have you already studied at a university in Turkey? If so, the following information about grade conversion applies to you:
- When converting your grade, the minimum pass mark for individual courses or semesters will not be taken into account
- Only the minimum pass mark for the award of the degree will be taken into account (usually specified in Section 4.2 of the Diploma Supplement)
Notes on translations
We only accept translations from Turkey made by a sworn translator (yeminli tercüman) with a stamp that includes the phrase “yeminli tercüman” in Turkish. Translations with a stamp in English or German only cannot be accepted.
Find further information on documents in the section assemble your documents.